Alexela green inovator
We are pioneers of green energy, we produce biomethane, a climate-negative fuel based on the circular economy principle, we develop gas terminals and build Energiasalvi in Paldiski. The hydraulic pump, named Energiasalve, is essentially a giant battery that solves the challenge of large-scale storage of renewable energy and paves the way for the triumph of clean energy, thereby providing additional energy security for Estonia.
We are developing a sustainable network of fueling stations, establishing a stable filling facility for biomethane, LNG, electricity and, in the near future, hydrogen. Together with our customers, we have set a goal to reduce the carbon footprint caused by transport, using the Community program, within the framework of which we plant carbon sequestering trees in Estonian forests.
Alexela is an energy one-stop shop that offers a unique selection of fuel, electricity, natural gas and cylinder gas and makes our customers' world a better place with high-quality coffee and refreshing relaxation every time they visit our stores.
We understand that we, as a large company, play an important role both in the Estonian economy and in the lives of the people here. That's why we support Estonia by empowering culture, sports and charity.
Let's make the world better! Come on, let's do it together.
Strategy and direction
Alexela moves with changing mobility and evolving customer needs. In 2021, based on the circular economy principle, we produced 85 GWh of biomethane, which is a climate-negative car fuel. In the coming years, we see the need to increase production and its wider use, as biomethane as a car fuel helps reduce the carbon footprint of the transport sector.
- We reward reuse - in Alexela, hot drinks are cheaper with your own cup.
- We created reusable coffee mugs with the works of Estonian artists to show that reuse can be really nice. There is sustainability in innovation, which is why we have created a range of smart digital solutions such as the Alexela app, loyalty campaigns and smart in-app payment solutions.
- We created Rohesärts, an electricity package based on renewable energy that brings green energy to our customers.
How do we help customers reduce their eco-footprint?
In 2021, we planted 293,238 trees through the Community Program, neutralizing 175,942 tons of CO2 over their lifetime.
During 2021, we expanded the chain of biomethane filling stations and sold 85 GWh of biomethane there, which is a climate-negative car fuel, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of the transport sector.
We further developed biomethane production from agricultural waste based on the circular economy principle. Biomethane is a climate-negative fuel: one car running on green gas makes another diesel neutral in addition to itself.
We expanded our network of public electric chargers and started offering a full electric charger service to private and business customers to accelerate the transition to less polluting mobility.
We started offering our customers the green electricity package "Rohesärts".
Focus on topics
Alexela is an Estonian company born together with the newly independent Estonia. We operate according to the principle of sustainability, which has allowed us to be among the best in Estonia in our fields of activity. By 2030 at the latest, Alexela will become carbon neutral by developing a circular economy, promoting energy security and launching projects that actually reduce its carbon footprint.
Let's make the world better!
Come on, let's do it together. Goal: to be CO2 neutral by 2030
Development of environmentally friendly refueling solutions
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Alexela has set itself the goal of becoming CO2 neutral by 2030 at the latest. In order to achieve the climate goals, we have focused on the development of environmentally friendly refueling solutions.
The development of CNG and LNG filling stations allows us to offer 100% renewable biomethane to the market. We develop economical refueling solutions for transport companies in the form of LNG filling stations.
We install electric fast and ultra-fast car chargers at gas stations and major centers along major highways. In addition, we offer a full electricity charging service for private and business customers.
We enable the circular economy
We produce biomethane mainly from agricultural waste, with which we make a great contribution to the development of Estonia's circular economy and the creation of jobs in the countryside.

We promote energy security
We are building a hydroaccumulation station in Paldiska, which will allow us to solve the challenge of storing renewable energy in the future and overcome one of the main obstacles on the way to achieving climate neutrality. The construction of this hydropower-based battery will account for approximately 7% of total infrastructure construction in Estonia over eight years, creating approximately 700 direct and indirect jobs and bringing the country €200 million in tax revenue. With the operation of the station, Estonian CO2 emissions will decrease by 16 million tons.
We build solar parks for Alexela's own needs, and we also offer solar park construction services.

We empower communities
We believe that people and communities have the power to change the world. The world can be most successfully changed when large numbers of people do even small righteous deeds. Therefore, in June 2020, we launched the Alexela Community Program, the main project of which, the tree planting program, envisages planting at least one tree for every resident of Estonia with the help of customers. Such action allows our customers to significantly reduce their ecological footprint. A tree with a trunk volume of 1 tm neutralizes 917 kg of carbon dioxide during its lifetime - this amount of CO2 is released by an average car when it travels approximately 7,900 km.

We provide opportunities for culture, sports and charity
Alexela has been awarded the title of Friend of Culture by the Ministry of Culture and has given and continues to give strength to several cultural and sports organizations.

auto_awesome Did you mean: Alexela pāreja uz atkārtoti lietojamām krūzēm Look up details 47 / 5,000 Translation results Translation result Alexela's switch to reusable cups
Single-use plastic products have a significant impact on the environment and human health. Reducing them is a priority in the European Plastics Strategy, as it helps reduce CO2 emissions and dependence on imported fossil fuels. AS Alexela has set a long-term goal to become carbon neutral in its operations by 2030 at the latest, developing the circular economy, contributing to energy security and initiating projects that reduce the carbon footprint. Among other things, we have set a goal to abandon single-use coffee cups by 2030 at the latest. The company has a strategy to reduce single-use packaging and plastic bags on the market, which includes specific measurable targets: - Alexela sells only paper bags and reusable bags sewn from used advertising banners. - We invite you to use our cup with appropriate invitations, promotions and a cheaper price; - In selected places, when buying hot drinks, we offer the option of a round cup; Alexela's advertising visuals no longer use disposable tableware and campaigns focus on reusable tableware. The company works with many organizations including Pandipakend. In addition, in 2023, we plan to develop a code of conduct for our partners and employees, and in terms of carbon footprint measurements, we plan to expand Impact Zone 3, which will help involve important parties in achieving our environmental goals.

The green tiger
We are the founders of Rohetiigir and actively participate in various green initiatives such as creating an energy roadmap and participating in various expert groups.